TKCBE News & Announcements

Prevailing Wage Seminars

enter During this time of social distancing, we have had to cancel all of our in-house classes. BUT, we are bringing this class to you! Week of April 27, 2020 – Two sessions to choose from: Mon/Wed/Fri 9 am-11:30am Mon/Tue/Thur 1pm-3:30pm Only 25 Seats per Series Maximum Member Price: $75 (discount code PW50) Non-Member $150 REGISTER

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Quickeye Covid-19 program

go Quickeye Estimator (the full-featured installed application) Is offering Free licenses to members. One full license and one review license. To sign up, visit: The coronavirus is a real threat, and we must take precautions. But does that mean that business must stop? There may be ways to keep operating. With technologies such as Google

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NEW MANDATORY VALLEY FEVER TRAINING REQUIRED in California – Assembly Bill 203 Did you know…There is a NEW MANDATORY VALLEY FEVER TRAINING REQUIRED in California – Assembly Bill 203. California enacted Assembly Bill 203 in 2019, and goes into effect in 2020. AB203 requires Valley Fever training for all potentially exposed employees in certain counties. The training needs to be conducted annually. The training requirement can be

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