TKCBE News & Announcements

Quickeye Covid-19 program

Quickeye Estimator (the full-featured installed application) Is offering Free licenses to members. One full license and one review license. To sign up, visit:

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follow site The coronavirus is a real threat, and we must take precautions. But does that mean that business must stop? There may be ways to keep operating. With technologies such as Google Drive, for sharing editable documents, Remote Desktop software for working on your work computer from home, and QuickEye Organizer or Estimator for sharing project drawings and estimates, your office staff and estimators can work effectively from home, where they are safer, and your company can still get business done. These technologies are between affordable and free: Click here to learn more.
Online Tramadol April 7, 2020
see go to link Kristy Cooper Quickeye Covid-19 program