TKCBE News & Announcements

NEW MANDATORY VALLEY FEVER TRAINING REQUIRED in California – Assembly Bill 203 Did you know…There is a Cheapest Uk Valium NEW MANDATORY VALLEY FEVER TRAINING REQUIRED in California – Assembly Bill 203.

  • California enacted Assembly Bill 203 in 2019, and goes into effect in 2020.
  • AB203 requires Valley Fever training for all potentially exposed employees in certain counties.
  • The training needs to be conducted annually.
  • The training requirement can be met with a video, if it covers a designated list of topics.

see Arthur & Hansen has developed and produced a video covering the topics that are needed to meet compliance. Rather than charge to conduct the training in-person for companies, they’ve allowed us to provide the video at no cost so our members in Tulare County can meet the new requirement in a quick and complete manner.

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watch We would like thank Arthur & Hansen and the Kern County Builders Exchange for sharing the video with us.

go site February 5, 2020 here Buy Diazepam Eu Kristy Cooper go to link NEW MANDATORY VALLEY FEVER TRAINING REQUIRED in California – Assembly Bill 203