Online Plan Room

Plan Room Guidelines In order to best serve the interest of all members, the Tulare-Kings Counties Builders’ Exchange has adopted the following guidelines which all members are requested and expected to observe:

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  • Plan Room hours are 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday through Friday, excluding holidays.
  • Where there are two or more sets of plans, members may reserve one set for a period of 24 hours. Reservations are accepted by phone.
  • Handle plans and specifications carefully to prevent mutilation.
  • Plans are not to be marked indelibly while estimating. Any marks must be removed; plans and specifications must be left clean and fully legible.
  • Return Plans and specifications to plan counter when you are finished. Use only one set of plans and specifications at a time.
  • Do not leave plans and specifications idle during lunch hour.

Visit the TKCBE Online Plan Room

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